29 March, 2024
Green defeat Red in Grand Final
A large contingent of family and friends were in attendance to cheer on the players in the junior tennis grand final on Monday, March 18.

Weather conditions were warm, with the final taking place on Monday afternoon due to several players being unavailable on the following Saturday.
Seth Keam and Zeke Clark (Green) started the afternoon with a 6-2 win over Red’s Karter
Nitschke and Taylor Fisher in the number one and three doubles.
Sully Magee and Ryder Nitschke (Green) also had a 6-2 victory over Scarlett Mitchell and Leila Hudson (Red). Kane Bastin (Red) closed the gap somewhat, taking the points in the number two singles over Zac O’Connor (Green).
Zeke Clark and Ryder Nitschke (Green) combined well in the number three and five doubles against Red’s Taylor Fisher and Leila Hudson.
Great sportsmanship and tough rally’s were on display, with Green taking a narrow 6-4 win. Kane Bastin and Scarlett Mitchell (Green) reversed the scores in the following set, with a 6-4 result over Zac O’Connor and Sully Magee (Red).
Green took a narrow lead into the last round of sets. Red came out firing, their eye on the
final prize.
Unfortunately for Red, it wasn’t to be, with Green winning all four sets in the last round to
seal the victory with 54 games to Red’s 29 games.
All players are to be congratulated on their performance in the grand final, with a thank you
to Karter Nitschke for again filling in for the injured Baxter Stasinowsky.
The sportsmanship displayed and improvements in skills of every player this season across the whole competition were wonderful to see.
Junior tennis will have a break now and return in October.
Green v Red
Seth Keam, Zeke Clark d Karter Nitschke, Taylor Fisher 6-2; Sully Magee, Ryder Nitschke d Scarlett Mitchell, Leila Hudson 6-2; Zac O'Connor lost to Kane Bastin 2-6.
Seth d Karter 6-1; Zeke, Ryder d Taylor, Leila 6-4; Zac, Sully lost to Kane, Scarlett 4-6.
Seth, Sully d Karter, Scarlett 6-3; Zeke d Taylor 6-2; Zac, Ryder d Kane Leila 6-3; Seth, Zac d Karter Kane 6-0.