

25 May, 2024

Hindmarsh honours volunteers

Some of Dimboola's volunteers braved the cold morning on Monday to attend Hindmarsh Shire's Volunteer Week breakfast.

By Caitlin Menadue

Amanda Ingeme, Kaylene Pietsch and Jo Donnelly attend the volunteer breakfast. CREDIT Caitlin Menadue
Amanda Ingeme, Kaylene Pietsch and Jo Donnelly attend the volunteer breakfast. CREDIT Caitlin Menadue

Some of Dimboola's volunteers braved the cold morning on Monday to attend Hindmarsh Shire's Volunteer Week breakfast.

At 7am in the Dimboola Library gardens, volunteers from the Lions Club, Dimboola Town Committe, Girl Guides and more gathered for a nice spread of breakfast foods alongside tea, coffee and juices provided by council.

Phil King cooked up bacon and eggs for everyone to enjoy.

Cr Debra Nelson welcomed and thanked the volunteers in her speech.

"This is the shire's way of saying thank you for the wonderful work that you all do," Cr Nelson said.

"A lot of things that people do, like helping out a neighbour, don't get reconigsed as being volunteering.

"We know that volunteers aren't just involved in one thing and our town is so much better and richer with the wonderful work that's been put in."

Hindmarsh Shire council CEO Monica Revell and Cr Wendy Bywaters also attended to express their thanks to the community's volunteers.


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