
General News

25 May, 2024

Stepping up for MS

Rainbow P-12 College is throwing its weight behind yet another worthy cause, this time with school captain Heidi Smith at the helm of its efforts in the annual MS May 50k Challenge.

By Wimmera Mallee News

Rainbow P-12 College captain Heidi Smith is at the helm of the Rainbow P-12 College May 50k Challange team this year
Rainbow P-12 College captain Heidi Smith is at the helm of the Rainbow P-12 College May 50k Challange team this year

Rainbow P-12 College is throwing its weight behind yet another worthy cause, this time with school captain Heidi Smith at the helm of its efforts in the annual MS May 50k Challenge.

The MS May 50k Challenge began in 2012 as an awareness initiative for people affected by multiple sclerosis.

It has since evolved into a formidable fundraising campaign in which participants from all walks of life step up to lend their support.

Heidi said her motivation to participate in the May 50k Challenge was rooted in personal connection and the desire to make a difference in the lives of those affected by MS.

Heidi’s grandmother had MS for many years before passing away on Mother’s Day this year.

“It’s fulfilling to know that we’re contributing to something bigger than ourselves,” Heidi said.

“With every step we take, we’re raising awareness and funds for a cause that impacts so many.”

Under the unwavering encouragement of teacher Stephanie Newton, Heidi has rallied a team of students and staff members, all with a clear goal in mind: to raise vital funds for MS research and support services.

With more than $1.4 million raised nationwide and nearly $500 of the team’s $1500 target already secured, their determination is palpable.

One of the team members is Nicole Leach, a teacher whose dedication to the cause spans five years.

Despite the chilly mornings and with husband Steve as her support, Mrs Leach remains steadfast in her commitment to walk 200km - inspired by a close friend and colleague who is living with MS.

The team's spirit of camaraderie and resilience was a beacon of hope in the fight against MS as the members continued to lace up their shoes and log kilometres throughout the month of May, Heidi said.

To support an example of the power of community in effecting change, visit


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