27 March, 2024
Urgent call for volunteers
The Horsham Little Athletics Club has put out a call of arms wanting volunteers to keep the club running. This season they only had five general committee members, with four executives.

President Peta Bond has put out the call and is hoping young families can come on board.
"If we don't have more volunteers we will go into recess following our next AGM," Bond said.
"We are looking for younger families. We have a lot of athletes in the younger age groups so we are hoping parents of those athletes can come forward as most of our executive members have athletes in the latter stages of the program.
"We would ideally like to see eight to ten families join the committee."
Volunteers are needed for a wide range of positions, such as line marking, timing, marshaling and canteen duties.
Alongside calling for volunteers, Foster has urged the Horsham Rural City Council to invest in the club.
"We are the only region in the western area without synthetic tracks and athletic facilities," Bond said.
"We are running on a multi-purpose oval which we share with soccer and cricket. We would love the council to invest, not just for little athletics but for schools within the Wimmera that use the oval.
"We also can't accommodate for multi-class athletes as they can't use their wheelchairs and walkers on the grass."
There are currently approximately 140 children enrolled at Horsham Little Aths, as well as the Horsham Little Aths Club. All schools in the area use Dudley Cornell for their athletics. Foster said the demand is there.
"When you take into account all the schools and the children registered, we'd service around 5000 athletes between the border and Stawell for athletics," Bond said.
"We help the schools by supplying timing gates and they use our equipment."
"If we had those facilities we would need fewer volunteers because we wouldn't need linemarkers and people setting things up as they will be in place. It would be good if Horsham Rural City Council could invest."
They had their season breakup on Wednesday, March 20 where awards were given out to every age group.